Saturday, August 31, 2019

Man Vs. Woman

Our society is full of stereotypes concerning the traits of behavior â€Å"typical† for males and females.   According to some of these women talk more than men, and shop longer than men.   On the other hand, men are, for example, more logical than women. No matter what the stereotype is, the common characteristic for all stereotypes is that they put woman in a certain way lower, make her a weaker human being than man. Some stereotypes – be it women’s likeness for shopping, men getting better jobs, or females playing team sports – are offensive and even discriminating.   However, in the last couple of decades women around the world at different points in time have begun a campaign fighting for the equality of their rights.   Successful results of such campaigns not only provided women with some additional rights; these results are also leading to a need for a change of some stereotypes, including, in particular, shopping, career and sports. Among the most popular ones is a stereotype that women like shopping more than men.   It is a common thought that for women shopping is like a therapy, it is a necessary fun and part of female’s nature to like to shop – or so it is believed to be.   On the other hand, according to this stereotype, men perceive shopping as a waste of time, which is not a fun, but simply a necessary part of life:   you have to, for example, wear cloth, so you have to shop for them.   For men this means coming into the mall and going straight to buy what is needed without spending many hours walking around, looking and choosing. Such is a common believe. However, it seems to me that men are starting to spend more and more time shopping, while women – once more of them spend more time working on their careers – are starting to perceive shopping as a â€Å"must† and not as â€Å"fun†.   A good example would be my friends – Alex and Laura – who have been dating for more than a year by now.   This couple spends most of their free time together, yet there is one thing they simply cannot do together: shopping. The reason is that Alex needs much more time and is much pickier when he shops, while Laura buys cloth when she needs them. Among our friends it is a common joke that if Laura is out without Alex that means he is shopping.   It should be noted that many men, including my friend, sincerely enjoy the process of shopping; they find it entertaining to go from one department to another, try on different models to find something that will make them look really good. Does not that sound like a â€Å"common† female logic? Also, I have heard many stories, especially from married couples, about husbands who not only like to go shopping with their wives, but actually like to choose the clothes for them, or, at least, to comment and give advice as to what dress and shoes to buy.   Thus, it seems to me that women’s likeness for shopping is really a stereotype that needs to change, and in reality men do shopping in the same way, if not even more seriously. Another area full of stereotypes is the one related to careers and men holding better-paid and higher status positions in almost any of the professional fields.   There are actually several stereotypes tight into this.   The first one is – women are more family oriented and, thus, they cannot be truly devoted to work.   Another common belief is that men are more logical, and, thus, better decision makers, whereas women have more chances to be led away by their emotions rather than brains. These two stereotypes combined together are enough to explain the reasons behind a tendency for men to get better jobs.   However, my experience shows that in real life there are many deviations from above stated beliefs.   First of all, there are many men who worry about their families as much as women do, or, I can say that I know many homes where husbands and wives are equally concerned with their family.   Best example to give is my own home.   Looking back at my childhood in no way can I say that it was only my mother who brought me up.   With both parents working full-time I was getting equal attention from both of them as a kid, and even more attention from my dad as I was getting older. As to men getting higher ranking or better paid positions in business world, it is common knowledge that this tendency is gradually changing.   There have been a number of movements of women fighting for equal rights, which have achieved significant progress.   Today more and more women are building their careers in a competitive business world, and some of them are trying to combine it with family life.   On the other hand, it is not uncommon to meet a family where a wife is making money and a husband is taking care of kids and home, and, thus, the stereotype is already changing. One other area often perceived as â€Å"male’s territory† is that of sports, especially, team sports.   This summer a friend of mine went to soccer European league championship in Spain – Euro-2004.   This was a huge event with people coming from all over the world, lots of expensive advertisement and media from every European country.   Tickets were sold out months in advance.   In Europe this championship in its popularity is, probably, equal to the Olympics, if not exceeding it. There is no need to mention that playing on the field were men, and not women.   Of course, female soccer also exists, but if you ask me, I cannot name one single team or one single professional female soccer player.   Even though I have a girl-friend who spends hours kicking the ball on the field – with other girls or with guys, does not matter – in no way can I personally imagine for female soccer to be as popular as male soccer is.   For me it is just not a female sport and I do not think it will change in the nearest future. Therefore, some stereotypes regarding man and woman are on the threshold of change, while others will remain as they are.   I personally am convinced that in our days – with feminist activists and homosexual minorities constantly fighting for their rights – man-woman stereotypes are actually changing, and shopping, career-building and sports are just some examples of this tendency. Many of existing stereotypes are already perceived as a joke (women are statistically acknowledged to be better drivers, yet every men driver can tell you a joke about a woman’s driving), but others are rooted deeply in our society.   Here it should be noted that change of a stereotype does not mean simply stating that there are evidences of a certain stereotype being false. A change of stereotype requires a change of people’s mentality, their perception of a certain issue related to either men’s or women’s behavior.   Once this is realized it becomes clear that in order for a certain belief to transform, a generation or more of human’s life may be needed, and while majority is already realizing the need for a change of some stereotypes, the change itself will take us some time.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Theme of Short Story Lust

The Theme of â€Å"Lust† The theme of the short story â€Å"Lust† changes throughout the story as you continue reading. In the beginning, it seems as if the protagonist is doing what she likes and enjoys. However, as you keep reading you realize that the protagonist seems to be looking for a solution to forget the pain she is feeling. According to , â€Å"When you first start to read the story the protagonist seems to be experimenting with new things and new experiences.She is trying to get to know who she is as a woman in a sexual aspect. The author, in the beginning, uses short sentences with a more cheerful vocabulary. As the short story further continues, the sentences are much longer and the negativity shows. Her vocabulary is no longer cheerful. It is as if the protagonist is trying to get over an unbearable and painful relationship, but doesn’t know how†. In my opinion, I think the protagonist is afraid of loving again so keeps her emotions hidden.S he also keeps her distance and by doing so she turns to lustful activities with multiple partners. The protagonist is lacking some kind of love, she may not even love herself. If she cannot love herself then how can she love at all? The protagonist has a emptiness that she wants to fulfill, but does not know quite know how to. She feels sad and alone, even rejected in several different ways. She is feeling used by her multiple partners, yet deep down inside she wants them to love her in some kind of way, not just in a sexual way.The protagonist wants that sense of security and tender lovingness she is lacking in her life. She doesn’t seem to realize how badly she wants to fill that empty void she knows she has. I think that the protagonist feels she doesn’t even exist, her self esteem is very low and she has no confidence in herself. This could also mean she had some kind of family issues as a child. She may also be lacking love from her parents or they never showed he r love. If that is the case then she only knows how to be distant.She is afraid of opening up to a man and letting him in. She has definitely dealt with some type of heartache in the past. It is slowly destroying her and bringing her down. The protagonist is settling for less than what she deserves. This is all she knows and doesn’t think she deserves more. She is looking at the situation as being â€Å"better than nothing†. Furthermore, in all actuality her emotional pain is intensively increasing with each one of her lover’s.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Transformational Writing

Transformational Writing The men Jerked to the floor, all social barriers destroyed by the capricious nature of death. Privates and Generals alike squirmed in the filth, their searching hands smothering soft pink flesh, fearing the deathly burrow of a bullet. Jack flopped, limp like a fish. His face buried itself into the dirt and broke the dry crust his chin tunnelling into the sticky layer below, gaping like an open wound. He heard the ration party strike the floor their contents spilling out into the mud.He heard a rasping moan escape Evans' lips, his shoulder thumping the fire step awkwardly. He heard the cries of men and the guffaw of a crow, mocking the senseless carnage. And then silence. The dominoes had fallen. Jack wrapped his hands around his head, nuzzling his face into the mud as a baby would a bosom seeking the protection of thick underground earthy walls and for a moment he forgot about the war, he forgot about Evans and Shaw and Weir and instead he was sat at home wit h Margaret, chair pulled up by Johns bed, drinking in his sons face running his hands through his wispy hair.The promise he had made Margaret echoed in his mind, her mature features thick with concern glazed over im, â€Å"l am going t' surivive this bloody war, I'm gonna go home and look after my wife and we're gonna grow old together and on sundays we'll visit Johns grave and†¦ † He remembered the misplaced Sandbags. Gingergly he raised his head, others were stirring around him.Weirs broken body lay sprawled in the filth, his arms splaying at odd angles, dirt swimming into his open mouth, infecting every pore. â€Å"Sir! † Jack hissed, â€Å"Its 0k, the boche missed. † No reply. â€Å"Sir! † No reply. Now on his feet, Jack edged his way towards Weir, commando style in he dirt, his eyes flashing nervously towards the missing sandbags. â€Å"Weir! † mud splattered his face, his elbows working with vigour.Blood pumped from the exit wound in the back of Weirs' head, saturating his neck and tunic. His soft cap lay forgotten in the dirt, blown off the balding head. Jack moaned. Cradling his captains' body in his arms he called for help, â€Å"Someone get me a medic, he must have fallen unconcious! † Evans', Fielding and Jones gazed at the pair with a sorrowful expression. â€Å"Its Just a scratch! † Jack cried in answer to the now congealing blood, â€Å"Just a scratch! † By bighame

International Health Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Health Care - Assignment Example Also there are many â€Å"barefoot doctors" that are working for the health care of citizens. All these policies that are being implemented in China are in accordance to the Mao’s initial ‘prevention first’ health policy. During Mao’s era the healthcare was taken as an utmost priority (W & Sidel, 1977 ). China did a surveillance to check for any social inequities in the healthcare system (W & Sidel, 1977 ). Few inequities were found as a result of the surveillance and these inequities seemed difficult to resolve. But the authorities figured out that the health care responds directly to the demonstrated needs of citizens. The surveillance also helped China in activation of political will and community participation among the public because it provided realistic information for local, district and national decision-makers (W & Sidel, 1977 ). This activation of community participation was done through the famous Model County Project. This model showed how an efficiently organized system can be extended to test procedures in experimental areas and adapt them for wide-ranging achievement of specific goals. This project shows how ideological commitment to impartiality and objectiveness can improve health care. Between the early 1960s and late 1970s, China used barefoot doctors to monitor the health of locals and also to give health care to people nearby. Local health cooperatives and the barefoot doctors together, spread knowledge related to healthcare. The activities from the implementation of Model County Project showed a considerable decline of infant mortality which was 275 to 250 (CE, 1992). The general economic reform occurred in China in 1980. China shifted to privatization which reversed the earlier priority of equity. This has caused Chinese rural health care system to go through a rapid transformation. According to some researches, the modernization of China has caused its once viable model of health care system to fall apart.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Aunt Ethel Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aunt Ethel - Movie Review Example When she bakes a pie she cleans the oven right then so she won't have to wait for it to heat up again. She usually serves her vegetables fresh because it takes no time to cook them. Aunt Ethel also saves time shopping. When she goes to the grocery she gets enough food for a month. On her way to the supermarket she also does any other shopping she has to do. Aunt Ethel always takes a list and her entire shopping route is planned ahead. She also finds a way to save her leisure time. Aunt Ethel will knit while she watches TV. When she goes for a walk, she takes a book to read. Her exercise period consists of mowing the lawn and raking the leaves. There is no time that Aunt Ethel isn't saving time. down. Aunt Ethel's shoes are all slip-ons so she won't have to spend the energy tying them. Some people say that Aunt Ethel drinks Ensure just so she won't have to chew her lunch. She does her part for global warming by saving gasoline. She never drives when it's cold because it will waste gas while the car warms up. When going down a hill she turns the car off and lets it coast down. At a stoplight she turns the car off rather than waste fuel by idling. Environmentalists would be proud of Aunt Ethel's electricity saving methods. The low wattage bulbs she uses are hard on her eyes, but they save electricity. The water at Aunt Ethel's is always cold because she keeps the hot water off until she is ready to use it, and then it's barely tepid. In the winter she saves electricity by burning wood instead of using her electric heater. If the world runs out of energy it won't be because Aunt Ethel used it all. Aunt Ethel likes to save her money more than anything else. She can save money on the most common household items. She uses old newspapers to clean her windows instead of using paper towels. When she cleans her windows she uses vinegar rather than the more expensive window cleaners. Her family secret, a concoction made with baking soda, is the only cleanser she keeps in her kitchen. Her money saving ideas also reduce her food bill. Aunt Ethel can make the best chicken soup out of a leftover chicken. She will add a broth to this soup made from the parts of vegetables that most people would discard. For desert she makes bread pudding out of her stale bread. Because her wardrobe [Name] Page 3 Essay 1 is so stylish you would never guess how few dollars she spends on clothes. She saves money by shopping at yard sales and thrift shops. She tries to shop for articles that match so her wardrobe has a wide variety while only purchasing a few items. If she finds an item with a little wear she mends it. Whether in the home, the kitchen, or the closet Aunt Ethel is always saving money. Aunt Ethel may appear to be a cheapskate, but she is simply being practical with her time, her energy, and her money. At her golden age she realizes the value in saving time by utilizing it wisely. She has also come to value the scarce resources of energy and money and has found creative ways to conserve both. When Aunt Ethel pinches a penny Lincoln does not cry out in pain, he simply says thank you for being

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sam 488 unit 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sam 488 unit 5 - Assignment Example As argued by Fay (2011), the mechanism that defines the user access control is based on the elements that are necessary for an effective visitor access control system. Some of these elements include the access control directory, specific users, specific locations, and AICs principles. It is also important to note that these elements directly operate under the access control principles. In this case, the authentication provided by the user in the bind operation, when the security server receives a request that is defined in the server, allows or deny access to directory information. The Selection, purchase, installation, and operation of security devices that promote restricted security for safety are very critical to the security system. In this case, the purchase and installation of the locking devices for security purposes also depends on a number of factors. Some of these factors include the security cameras to be used, type of the locking devices, card readers, and a proper response protocol (Fay, 2011). Motion detectors are employed to successfully guard an in-house perimeter that has proven highly unpredictable for a circuit alarms. Using the reflective effects of certain waves, the motion detector is a device that seeks a disturbance situation in the room when an intruder enters the parameter, and the reflection pattern is disturbed. The sensor sends a signal, when this happens, and the door opens to send an alarm signal ultimately (Fay, 2011). The ultrasonic motion detectors work or s employed efficiently using the sound waves. When the movements disrupt the air and the sound waves, the sensors sound alerts of intrusion. Automatically, the waves strike objects within the field of detection and as long as there is no movement, the waves are not disrupted. Otherwise, the sound waves become interrupted and are reflected back to the receiver of the security system. The principle

Monday, August 26, 2019

Glaciation in Ohio and impacts of glaciation in Ohio Essay

Glaciation in Ohio and impacts of glaciation in Ohio - Essay Example The most important impact of glaciation is the materials that have been left behind by the sheets of ice. These materials includes particles of clay, sand, gravel and rock debris. Most of the materials that had been deposited both above and under the surface of water as a result of glaciation has resulted in formation of geographical features called eskers and kames (Peacefull, 1996). The numerous kames that are found in Portage and Summit counties are a result of deposition of glaciation materials in-between ice sheets that protruded southwards. Comparatively eskers are rare in Ohio although one may encounter eskers in Portage County. Another major impact of glaciation in Ohio is the formation of the glacial lakes. The deposits of these lakes were primarily constituted of fine clay and silt particles. Changes in the drainage pattern of Ohio is also a result of glaciation which disrupted the northwest flow of the River Teays and its tributaries which helped in the formation of Lake Tight in southern

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why didn't the United Nations pursue intervention in Rwanda Research Paper

Why didn't the United Nations pursue intervention in Rwanda - Research Paper Example The world, however, stood by while hundreds of thousands of Rwandans died, taking effective action only after the situation began to stabilize. The United Nations plays an essential role in any legitimate intervention. The two principal rationales justifying UN intervention in intra-state conflicts are the preservation of international peace and the protection of human rights. In case of Rwanda, UN was unable to play effective role to stop Genocide. Therefore, this paper will address following question: Why didn't the UN Pursue Intervention in Rwanda? This paper hypothesizes that several factors, including the structure of the UN, states' interests, international law and norms, and domestic factors of the conflict impeded effective UN intervention in the Rwandan conflict. It is hoped that this research paper will discern to the reader the incidents surrounding the Rwandan conflict and why UN didn’t intervene. Methodology This paper will employ qualitative research methodology to find out why UN was unable to pursue Intervention in Rwanda. It examines available literature on Rwanda Genocide, UN charter and international law pertaining to humanitarian intervention. It will specifically look for the impediments which obstructed UN intervention in the Rwandan conflict. It will begin with a brief history of the Rwandan conflict. Next, the case will be examined to determine whether the structure of the UN obstructed involvement in Rwanda. Following this, the case will be analyzed to determine if international law and the norms of the state system hindered UN intervention. The paper will then look to examine whether states' interests frustrated UN operations. Finally, the paper will explore whether domestic factors within Rwanda-such as the complexity of the conflict and terrain of the region stopped effective UN intervention. Background On April 6, 1994, hope for a peaceful transition to democracy and a broadly representative government ended when the plane ca rrying the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi was shot down near the Kigali airport, allegedly by extremists in Habyarimana's own party (Des Forges 1999, 31). The death of the Rwandan President was followed by the systematic killing of political opponents of the regime, both Hutu and Tutsi, and a resumption of the civil war. The massacres that followed the death of the President appear to have been well planned, because the speed with which the militia singled out its victims suggests the 'Interahamwe', the pro-government militia, was prepared with their names and addresses (Power 2002, 41). For over three months, Rwanda was gripped by chaos and death which left, out of a population of 7.9 million, up to one million dead and five million internally and externally displaced. The events ground to an eventual stop, not through international pressure or intervention, but through the success of the RPF, which had taken control of most of the country. On July 19, 1994, the RPF established a broad- based national government, a day after declaring a unilateral cease-fire (Ronayne 2001, 13). The international community had responded to the tragedy in Rwanda with inaction (Stanton 2004, 9). Following the death of ten Belgian peacekeepers and the subsequent removal of the Belgian contingent from UNAMIR---reducing the mission's strength to 1,515 troops-the UN pulled most of its remaining peacekeepers out of Rwanda. This event coincided with the intensification of the genocidal campaigns. It seems the plan to drive the UN forces out of Rwanda through armed attack, clearing the way for the genocidal cam

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Entrepreneur Reflection Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Entrepreneur Reflection - Research Paper Example The need to meet the specific demands of the clients is one of the most important indicators of success. Another issue that appears to engage the substance of the information is the value of communication within the discourse of entrepreneurship. In the course of doing business, situations arise that will require the judgment and communication ability of the entrepreneur to resolve (Kuratko, 2008). From the interview, it might be deduced that entrepreneurship generally involves a high element of risk. The case of Efendy Susanto brings into perspective the various challenges that relate to the entire aspect of entrepreneurship. As a Customer Service Representative, Efendy finds himself with the difficult task of ensuring the satisfaction of the customers without compromising on the company’s profits (Efendy, 2012). As he explains, some mistakes can cause enormous loses and might have lasting negative impacts to the stability of the customers and the retention of their levels of trust. Efendy gives the example of a wring shipment, which would have double negative consequences on both the organization and the clients. Normally, according to his explanation, shipments take about two months to reach the customer. This would imply that a wrong delivery would cost the customer two months of waiting and that the company would have to incur yet another shipping expense as it attempts to deliver the correct product. Ultimately, this would mean that the deliveries require utmost attention in order to eliminate possibilities of losses and customer dissatisfaction. One of the issues that come to the fore from this information is that the art of entrepreneurship is delicate and must involve the engagement of a vast network of skills in order to be successful. For instance, Efendy cites the difficulty in making customers to understand some aspects of business such as changes in prices. Occasionally, the company finds itself in a position in which it must change its pri ces in order to accommodate the effects of some unforeseen developments on the market. Communicating such changes must be done in a manner that is understandable to the customer in order to avoid losing him or her to competitors. It might be argued that the effects of the changes on the market are necessarily brought about by certain forces that may not be easily predictable to the company (Baron & Shane, 2007). The findings from this interview are consistent with various studies that have argued in favour of a strategic combination of speed and skill as some of the factors that determine the success levels of entrepreneurship. The corporate world is largely controlled by these variables. Efficiency is determined by the manner in which a business manages to meet its targets within a given time frame (Baron & Shane, 2007). This time frame may encounter challenges that expose the processes to delays and other commercial inconveniences. This exposes the business to the risk of lawsuits from dissatisfied customers and other forms of damages. In order for businesses to avoid such inconveniences, it is important for them to develop a systematic structure

Friday, August 23, 2019

Essay qestions(Middlehood and Adolescence) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Qestions(Middlehood and Adolescence) - Essay Example The nature vs. nurture argument highlights the importance that family, society, and education play in conditioning the growth of the human individual psychologically. In â€Å"Adolescence,† John Santrock (2007) identifies six different factors that determine well being, and these can be related across the various schools of psychology and sociology related to human development theory. The intellectual assets are a combination of the genetic expression in the individual physical structure, brain, nervous system and general body health. The debate on the importance of education, positive family or community support systems, and social resources all relate to the stages of body development from infancy into puberty and the specific types of thinking that are developed in personality, also as related to the emotional imprinting. The psychological development must also be recognized as being unique in the different stages of human growth, and this has been recognized in Western psychology primarily since Rousseau. The nature vs. nurture argument has a broader application in behaviorist conditioning, Freudian neurosis, or the DSM related psychological disorders as they arise through conditioning, genetics, and other factors. Social assets relate to the nurture arguments and sociology, social psychology and other fields of analysis that relate the family, community, cultural, and structural support of the human individual in the growth cycle. Continuity can be seen in the steady progression of growth proceeding physiologically, as well as the development of complex knowledge systems such as science, math, arts, literature, and language. Continuity is part of the education process and growth patterns until adulthood and elderly stages. Discontinuity relates to the abrupt appearance of language, physical movement like walking, running, driving, sexuality, etc. This is seen in a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Using material from Item Essay Example for Free

Using material from Item Essay Religion can be powerful under the right certain circumstances for social change. However it can be argued that religion can be a conservative force. Weber argues that religious beliefs contributed to major social change- specifically the emergence of modern capitalism in Northern Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Modern capitalism differs from capitalism as it is based on systematic, efficient and a rational pursuit of profit and profit for its own sake rather than consumption. Weber calls this the spirit of capitalism. Calvinism is a form of protestant that was formed during the reformation. Weber argues that it is the Calvinist’s beliefs that helped bring about social change and modern capitalism. For example one of Calvinists beliefs is the idea of predestination; that God has predetermined which souls would be saved. The saved ones are called the elect and individuals could do nothing whatsoever to change whether they were part of the elect. Weber sees that this causes followers to have salvation panic; it was out of their control and knowledge whether they were saved or not, they could do nothing to earn their salvation. Another belief of Calvinists which they introduced is ‘other worldly asceticism’. The only thing Calvinist’s knew of God’s plan for humanity came from the Bible which revealed to them that they are on earth to glorify God’s name by working. Calvinists interpreted this as constant, methodical work in an occupation not in a monastery (other worldly asceticism). Due to Calvinist’s having a this worldly asceticism they worked hard long hours and practised rigorous self-discipline. This worked well as it rewarded them wealth and their success performed a psychological function for followers to cope with their salvation panic. Also due to their driven work force they accumulated wealth efficiently but did not allow themselves to spend it on luxuries. Instead they reinvested into their businesses which grew more and gained more profit which was again reinvested and so on. In Weber’s view this is the very spirit of modern capitalism – where the object is simply the acquisition of more and more money as an end in itself. Calvinism thus brought capitalism into the world. Weber claims that religion does contribute to social change and uses Calvinism as an example. In contrast Marx puts forward an argument that economic and material factors were the driving force of change, not religion. Kautsky, who is a Marxist, argues that Weber underestimates economic factors in bringing capitalism into being. He argues that in fact capitalism preceded rather than followed Calvinism. Similarly Tawney sees that technological change, not religious ideas, caused the birth of capitalism. It was only after capitalism that the bourgeoisie adopted Calvinist beliefs to legitimate their pursuit of economic gain. Furthermore Weber clearly points out that he doesn’t argue Calvinism were the cause of modern capitalism, but was one of its causes. A number of material and economic factors were necessary, such as natural resources, a money economy and a system of law. Weber also notes that other societies with higher level of economic development than Northern Europe had in the 16th and 17th century yet still failed to develop modern capitalism. For example China and India were materially more advanced than Europe but it didn’t take off, he argues that this is due to the lack of religious belief systems, such as Calvinism, that would of meant development occurred. Critics argue that capitalism did not develop in every country where there were Calvinists. For example in Scotland there was a large number of Calvinist followers yet was slow to develop capitalism. Weberians point out that this was due to the lack of investment capital and skilled labour- which supports Webers point that religion simply contributes to social change- does not entirely cause it. Moreover it must be noted that Weber uses secondary data for his argument as he was not alive in this period- this can make his argument invalid as it probably will differ in some way of the truth. Another example of religion being a force for change is the American civil rights movement. Bruce argues that religion was the back bone of this being a success, he believes this due to support that black clergy gave the people. For example the churches provided meeting places and a sanctuary from the threat of white violence, and rituals such as prayer meetings and hymn singing were a source of unity in the face of oppression. In this context Bruce sees religion as an ideological resource – it provided beliefs and practises that protestors could draw on for motivation or support. The civil rights movement becoming involved in secular struggle and helping to bring about change. It achieved this by taking the moral high ground by black clergy pointing out hypocrisy of white clergy who preached ‘love thy neighbour’ yet supported racial segregation. Also the movement had the moral majority which was beneficial as it was motivating for all followers. Bruce also points out an example of the new Christian right which is a protestant fundamentalist movement which aims were extremely ambitious seeking nothing less than to take America ‘back to God’. They wish to make abortion, divorce and homosexuality illegal. This movement was largely unsuccessful in achieving its aims. Bruce suggests this is because; the movement was never a majority (15% of the population at the most) meaning that it lacks widespread support and had strong opposition from groups who believed in freedom of choice. Critics can point out here that religion can fail to bring about social change. However Weber points out that religion can contribute to bring about social change but for change to occur other resources are needed, such as technology. To conclude, Marxists argue that religion is more of a conservative force rather than a contribution to social change. Marx argues that religion allows the bourgeoisie to maintain power over the proletariat in order for a capitalist society to be maintained.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dth Industry Scope Essay Example for Free

Dth Industry Scope Essay The total number of households in our country is around 231 Million out of which Television households are only 148 Million (TAM Annual universe Update 2012). DTH Subscribers registered with Pvt. Service Providers is 44.21 Million (Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicator Report Dec 2011 by TRAI). That shows the future growth potential of DTH industry. With the Government drive for rise in rural electrification, income and the consumption patterns, people have started demanding quality products. This is resulting into faster adoption of DTH as a category. The presence of all channels across the country is an enabler and will continue to be the game changer in favor of DTH Platforms. The recent regulation of Telecom Regulatory Authority stipulating the complete Digitalization in India by 2014 will further strengthen the demand and growth of the sector. With the government aggressively pushing in for digitization of TV, Multi System Cable Operators (MSOs) are expected to lose their subscribers to DTH during the 4 phases that requires the complete digitization of four metros namely Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata, then 38 cities across India, all the urban areas and finally complete India by 31st December 2014. The recent success in installation of DTH TV in railways and buses will also unfold opportunities of such roll out in times to come. The new retail chain outlets spreading all across the country will also help in presence and acceptance of the DTH category as an off-the-shelf product. The recent successful launch of HD set top box, set top box with live recording etc†¦ will also create a new demand for the technology, further accentuating the growth story. In nut shell, the rise of rural consumption, reduction in the entry level price, variety of content, wide spectrum of value added service, large landscape still under cable dry area and the approach towards personalizing the services to the customers will continue to act as opportunity areas in the forthcoming years for DTH service.

Power Of Advergaming And Its Impacts On Consumers Marketing Essay

Power Of Advergaming And Its Impacts On Consumers Marketing Essay Within the concept of social media, the mass media marketing strategy is one of the crucial tools of product placement on the commercial persuasion and entertainment. Thesis: Assessment of advergaming with respect to its development process, impacts and usage; how usage of advergaming changes as product type differs and; what are the advantages/strengths and disadvantages/weaknesses of advergaming. INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERS 1. ADVERAGAMING AS MASS MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY 1.1. DEFINITION OF ADVERGAMING 1.2. DEVELOPING AN ADVERGAME /ADVERGAMING AS A FUTURE TOOL 2. USAGE OF ADVERGAMING BY BRANDS 2.1. THE INTERNET EFFECT 2.2. IN GAME ADVEISING VIRAL MARKETING 3. THE IMPACT OF ADVERGAMING 3.1. INFLUENCE ON PLAYER 3.2. RESEARCH ON CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR 4. DIFFERENCE THAN OTHER ADVERTISING TOOLS 4.1. ADVANTAGES/STRENGTHS 4.2. DISADVANTAGES/WEAKNESSES 5. USAGE OF ADVERGAMING IN TURKEY ***EXAMPLES 6. HOW USAGE OF ADVERGAMING CHANGES AS PRODUCT TYPE DIFFERS CONCLUSION REFERENCES ADVERAGAMING AS MASS MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY Definition of Advergaming The question of what advergaming is can be approximated in diffrent ways. In the manner of linguistic portmanteau it is of advertising and gaming. Techniquely, it is the practice of using video games to advertise a product, organization or viewpoint. [2] As a term, it was coined in January 2000 by Anthony Giallourakis. Later on it was mentioned by Wireds Jargon Watch column in 2001. [2] An advergame is an online video game that has brand related images and/or themes embedded within it. As marketers have begun to catch on to the idea, Websites containing advergames have been published by a diverse variety of corporations and non-profit organizations. [1] Besides the usages of product placement within a game, a more effective and innovative way of designing a game only for the purpose of advertising a brand or a product is recently being used by advertiser in order to reach to targets on an online platform. Advergames are such video games which are funded directly by an advertiser. Also, they usually are distributed free of charge to the consumers. The differences between the product placement and advergaming was clearly determined in the book Changing the Game, by David Edery and Ethan Mollic like highly integrated product placement, well-designed advergames have the power to entertain consumers in an engaging and informative way. On the other hand, unlike product placement advergames offer business more control over the context in which the brand is experienced by consumers and saves them the possible hassle of operating within the constraints imposed by game developers. [3] To sum up, advergaming is an interactive game-product created for being more well known by the customers and increasing brand equity. The core idea of advergame is receiving information while entertaining the game. The other facilities of advergames will be examined in the following sections. Developing an Advergame / Advergaming as a future tool Advergames are still a very new research area. With the usage of simulations, advergames aims to inform the customers about what they will experience after trying the product in real life. Advergames also have the ability to create curiosity in the minds of targets which would lead a high selling rate. One o the greatest example of advergaming is the Americans Army. [8] The actual aim behind developing such a game was first by tempting the gamers being a solider, increasing the army population. Today, the game has more than 100.000 gamers. Similarly, in order to take attention to the hunger and starvation problem in the world, United Nations also developed an advergame called Food Force. These two huge projects show us how much an advergame would be powerful and influential in the log run. The benefits of advergames such as; the brand image reinforcement, databases created from the advergame can be used for demographics research, targeted markets can be reached by your advertising (when the game link is emailed), visitors may spend more time on your site, increased traffic due to viral marketing. [5] USAGE OF ADVERGAMING While the usage of advergaming being explained, firstly the question of why advergames should be used has to be answered. Most of the advertisement forms cause the customers to loose their interest and patience. So therefore, advergames which has the benefits mentioned above are very welcomed as an innovative way of both advertising and advertainment. The reason is because; the high interaction attracts consumers to join the game. In the world of Advergame, the participation of game is the participation of advertisement. [9] Interactivity, uniqueness, viality, technology are the basic content for the question of how an advergame should be. [9] Secondly, the brands should care about the following points if they want to use advergames more effectively and create powerful advergames. The steps can be sorted as first, brand and target group positioning analysis (e-marketing strategy analysis) have to be done. Later, game planning and design (Market specific game planning and project plan) is needed to be completed. Third, creative design and programming (art design and art programming development) is also necessary for a strong advergame. Then, game promotion and publication (make the website promotion plan) and collection and analysis of statistics emerges. Lastly, online evaluation and suggestions are done for a complete advergame. [9] All in all, the usage of advergames has to be considered in two perspectives which are why a company should take advantage of advergames and how should it create a more powerful one in order to reach more customers and have more profit. In the following parts the internet effect in our lives will be considered to give a wider point of view that the advergames are the most influential and powerful tools of online advertising. Further, the in-game advergaming and viral marketing concepts which are the tools of advergaming process will briefly be explained. The Internet effect Since reaching the most number of customers is the main aim of brands to increase their profits, in order to be being known by a wider mass, they first have to conquer the areas used by these customers. Internet is one of these fields since it is being used by almost everyone nowadays. In his article The Ability of Branded Online Games to Build Brand Equity: An Exploratory Study, David Deal approaches the increasing usage of internet as a growing trend toward turning off the television and tuning in to the Internet is forcing many marketers to enter a relatively unexplored advertising arena where the best methods of reaching and influencing customers are as yet unknown.[1] In the article he also argues, the studies have found that many Internet users spend their online time by playing video games. This realization, with the help of the researches leads a new mass media marketing strategy that integrates games with advertisements which is advergaming: a hybrid form of branded entertai nment. [1] The growing use and acceptance of internet in our lives, forced the marketers to use new media rich forms of online entertainment ways where they are more interactive and incorporated than previous ones. This also results with spending less time with traditional media, especially television. The rest of the leisure time is being preferred to be spent on internet. [1] Therefore, one of the best ways to include a marketing message which is needed to be reallocated by the companies, become internet. Furthermore, a greater portion of the internet population is getting used to the new forms of entertainment, especially with the available video games. [1] That is actually where advergaming takes its power from. Within the last ten years, the aim of reaching these online consumers was very crucial for advertisers. In order to discover that how much an average individual looks at a Website page, there have been several studies done. The results show less than half of all banner ads to which people were exposed, are being perceived. [5, 9] As a result, advertisements that people purposely avoid viewing simply do not have an opportunity to make an impression. [1] Then the idea of forcing the consumers to look at these online ads became a new trend. The pop-ups, interstitials, and pop-unders which were very intrusive, were found to be even more disliked than banner ads. [1] One of the imported points of this type of advertising is the amount of time that the gamers spend not only by playing the game but also by interacting with an advergame and as a result being exposed to the marketing message. There are several factors determine the time interval such as age, gender, type of game, and involvem ent with brand or product. The duration can range from 5-7 minutes (for a typical scenario) to 35 minutes (such as for Coca-Colas Live the Madness game) or longer [13, 16]. [1] In game advertising Viral Marketing Advergaming can be achieved mainly by two different ways. First, the brands can prepare thir own games and present to the customers. Second, they can also place the ad in to the games that already exist and have many players. The Sims or Second Life would be given as examples. The second is also named as in-game advertising. Moreover, beyond in-game advertising, Internet also encourages the gamers (users) to invite their friends to participate the games which could favor promotion form mouth to mouth, or viral marketing [2] where it can be defined as a marketing technique whereby information about a companys goods or services is passed electronically from one Internet user to another. In game advertising is being used very commonly since it is easier and less costly for a company than building their own online game. Also, by placing their logos, brand images, or the products as a simulation into a game, which is widely being played all around the world, companies can increase the probability to reach more and more customers. It is a huge arena so that impacts will also be quite large. THE IMPACT OF ADVERGAMING Influence on children Nutritious vs. Obesity Advergames are one of the most used marketing strategies to attract children and teenagers, creating in them an emotional link with the brand. This strategy can modify attitudes, in many occasions without applying responsible consumption, because the processes by which children purchases decisions are made are not as structured as adult decisions. [7] Its Childs Play: Advergaming and the Online Marketing of Food to Children [10] how advergames, which are online computer games developed to market a product, affect consumption of healthier and less healthy snacks by lowincome African American children.[6] Playing With Food: Content Analysis of Food Advergames [11] iyi anlamda Games with an Agenda: Entertainment for Consciousness Building [12] Researchs on customer and advergame relation Since the advergaming concept is a new format of advertising, even though it appears as promising, there have been a very little number of researches on it that scientifically prove its effectiveness. Also the adoption of the customers all around the world has not been justified yet and still unknown. [1] However, its potential cannot be underestimated. Before considering some of the researches and their results, it is necessary to mention that, since the advergaming is an internet based online advertisement form and most of the user or gamer population is composed of children and teenagers, the advergames target these two groups at most. However, the recent researches demonstrate that not only kids and teens but also many other surfers play advergames. 59% of the boys ages 13 to 17, 62% of the men ages 18 to 24 who go online, the largest group of women game players is between the ages of 45 and 54. [5] So therefore, according to that statistics it can be claimed that the advergaming is not only for kids any more. Here are some of the research examples and it will be examined that how there researches resulted in the means of advergaming. These types of researches are trying to measure the effects of online advertising on customers, by comparing interactive and non-interactive ads in order to determine their relative efficiencies across brand equity. At the end, it is concluded that visually stimulating and interactive forms of advertising are more effective at brand building in the sense of components of brand equity (aided brand awareness, online ad awareness, message association, brand favorability, and purchase intent). Indeed, highly interactive and animated advertising format could be expected to have a greater impact on brand equity than a traditional banner advertisement.[1] Some other studies are trying to figure out the emotional attachment of users to the brand. They claim that this emotional arousal generated by a brand with an interactive format of advertising increases an individuals attitude toward the advertisement positively to which they are exposed. The results show that the greater degrees of interactivity with an advertisement produced the higher levels of appreciation for the ad itself and for the Website on which it was deployed. [1] To sum up, researches have found that the less time a person that enjoys an advertisement spends thinking about the actual marketing message itself, the more they will like the advertisement [18]. [1] These studies indicate that for the advertisement the advergames could be expected to have a high level of appreciation. DIFFERENCE THAN OTHER ADVERTISING TOOLS Advantages/strengths A 2002 study comparing different ad types [12] found that advertisements that involved animations and/or interactivity were twice as effective as ordinary banner ads at generating message association, a component of brand equity. Interactive ads were compared to non-interactive ads to determine their relative merits across five different components of brand equity (aided brand awareness, online ad awareness, message association, brand favorability, and purchase intent). Disadvantages/weaknesses USAGE OF ADVERGAMING IN TURKEY Examples HOW USAGE OF ADVERGAMING CHANGES AS PRODUCT TYPE DIFFERS CONLUSION Traditional product placement has taken on new meaning and force.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay -- Teachers Education Classroom Es

Teaching Philosophy Statement The economic, social, and political systems of the United States are arranged in a manner that benefits the few at the expense of the rest. Unfortunately, the school is a tool indirectly used by the government to perpetuate the injustice and keep things in tact. Blind patriotism in the classroom suppresses discussion on pervasive inequalities, leaving students to ignorantly accept the status quo. As a social reconstructionist, I believe that younger generations should learn about the wrongs that persist, so they can fix our broken society when it is their turn to lead. One factor that influences my decision to become an educator is a yearning to leave my altruistic mark on society. As a teacher, I will have the opportunity to emotionally stir my pupils into social action by exposing injustices hidden by the current educational system and the media. Though my idealism may be naà ¯ve, it is my philosophy that the nature of human beings is actually good. I feel that most people will not tolerate inequalities if they know of their prevalence. For that reason, my students will not be sheltered from real life issues such as AIDS, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, etc. Social ills must be diagnosed before they can ever be cured. Hopefully, my lectures will influence some to enter the real world on a mission to confront these crimes against humanity. According to the praxis doctrine, actions based on sound theory and values will make a difference in the world. In addition to initiating and facilitating social refor m, I will illuminate the transparent barrier suppressing upward mobility in our nation. In America, the class sy... ...le a hectic classroom environment. After I graduate from Concord University with a degree in both History and Education with an emphasis on Social Studies, I hope to study under a new social historian and earn my Masters or possibly a Doctorate. Though my beliefs are conspicuously biased, I do not wish to impose them on any child that may ever enter my classroom. Instead, I only hope to open my learners’ eyes to the darker side of society, provide possible solutions, and allow them to individually reconstruct their own perspective of the world. My goal as a teacher will be to imbue in my pupils that true patriotism is striving to make America perfect, not assuming it already is. Hopefully, future generations will substantiate the egalitarian rhetoric of our forefathers, and prove to the world that all men are truly created equal.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Abuse of Power Reflected in the Politics and Drama of Ancient Greece Es

Individual Abuse of Power Reflected in the Politics and Drama of Ancient Greece The Greeks believed that too much power entrusted in one person was dangerous. They were the first democratic society in a tumultuous world of kings and emperors, and they were proud of their ideology. Considering their fervent belief in rule by many, its not surprising that many Greek dramas revolve around an individual hero or a king's fall from power because of pride or some other personality flaw. Well-known characters in some of the greatest Greek tragedians' plays illustrate this idea. In Aeschylus's Agamemnon, the title character is a returning king who behaves arrogantly and thoughtlessly. He is murdered by his wife and his kingdom falls apart. Sophocles's character Oedipus ends up killing his father, losing his kingdom and his wife and mother, and becoming a blind, wandering outcast for the rest of his life. Jason in Euripides's Medea deserts his family for a new marriage which he hopes will further his station, but his old wife kills his new wife and his children, ending hi s hopes for a shining future. The evolving theme of an individual's weakness and subsequent downfall supports the Greek's democratic system, where no individual becomes too powerful. Agamemnon is a great warrior, but not a great family man. On his way to the Trojan war, he sacrificed his daughter to the gods so that his ships would be able to arrive safely and swiftly. This is an especially rotten thing to do because the war is being waged to reclaim just one woman, Helen. It is hard to justify killing one’s own daughter so that somebody else can get his wife back. However, war is what he is good at, and if he didn’t sacrifice his daughter he would be letting down ... ...ach fall from their power into death or despair. They had become too powerful, too arrogant, and too ambitious, and so the gods cut them down. This pattern of kings falling from power because of weaknesses and character flaws is very common in Greek dramas. The Greeks were proud of their democratic system, and their dramas reflected their belief that their society, ruled jointly by representatives of the people, was best in a world full of unstable and dangerous monarchies. The gods despise men who rise too high and seek to become too great. So do the Greeks. Works Cited Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Greek Tragedy. Eds. A. Cook and E. Dolin. Dallas: Spring Publishing, Inc., 1992. Euripedes; Medea; Trans. Rex Warner. The Harcourt Brace Anthology of Drama: Third Edition. Orlando: Harcourt, 2000. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1991.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cultural Environment :: Televisions Technology Culture Essays

Cultural Environment The invention of the television and its advancement through technology in our world has affected the cultural environment significantly. It has affected the way we act, perceive things, and even changed our lives as a whole. The cultural environment in today’s society is totally different from the time period before the invention of the television. First, the television has affected the pre-existing cultural institutions. Before the television was invented most of the children all over the world would play outside with their friends after school. Children would be playing ball in the streets, buying candy at the convenience store, and so on. Ever since the television was invented, more and more children are watching television rather than playing outside after school. In today’s society, it’s even worse since children are usually glued to the television all day. This eliminates their chance for some exercise and to meet new people. The invention of the television also has changed the meaning of family night. Back before the television, families used to come together one night a week to play board games and to socialize. Ever since the television was invented, less and less families come together to play games. If they do come together, it is usually in front of the television. This changes th e meaning of family night because now families don’t socialize as much because they watch television. This technology has also affected the way people see themselves and their place in the universe. Television has become such an integral part of society that people are confusing fantasy with reality. Violence seems to be in almost every television show in today’s society. This excessive violence makes society accustom to it and therefore people don’t believe violence is as bad as it is when it happens. â€Å"Although few anti-television activists would agree that excessive television viewing can exculpate a murderer, a huge body of evidence -- including 3,000 studies before 1971 alone -- suggests a strong connection between television watching and aggression† (Stossel 3). This is concrete proof that the television has changed people’s attitudes and the way they see themselves in society.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Development Of Credit Unions

A credit union is a member owned member controlled not-for-profit cooperative financial institution. Credit unions were formed to provide loans to its members at lower rates of interest than would be other wise available. The first credit union was formed by a group of farmers in Belgium, 1848, during a period of severe economic depression. Townspeople pulled their money together to provide loans to each other. This cooperative approach helped farmers avoid paying the high rates being charged by â€Å"loan sharks†. These loans enabled a farmer to buy the necessities to plant a crop or to help members buy coal in bulk at lower prices. At the time of their origins the only financial assistance available was the local moneylenders. At the time of the depression people who took out loans were forced to pay expensive interest rates. Credit Unions serve low-income people. A person†s ability (income) to repay is considered more important than the desire to sustain the assets of the credit union. Members are borrowing their own money and that of their peers. By 1900 the first financial cooperative idea had spread from Germany to Canada. Canadas successful efforts influenced two Americans. Pierre Jay the Massachusetts bank commissioner and Edward A. Filene a Boston merchant. These two men helped organized public hearings on the credit union legislative in Massachusetts. This led the establishment of the first Credit Union Act in the United States in 1909. The growth of credit unions across the U.S. was slow. Fewer than 10 states passed credit union laws. 1934 Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act. This act set the basic structure, which governs credit unions today, examples: Member control is democratically exercised regardless of the number of shares held. Loans, which are primary investment for credit union, are made exclusively to members. A board of directors supervises management By 1935 38 states and the District of Columbia had laws permitting the establishment of credit union and over 3,000 were in existence. In 1970†³s credit unions were battling with the government for federal share insurance and the campaign for national fund to support the community developed credit unions (CDCU). In 1970 congress established the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) an independent agency responsible for regulating and chartering federal credit unions and NCUA and Congress also established the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. This enabled the NCUA to insure the shares of all the federal and state credit unions. In 1978 the Federal Credit Union Act was amended to establish a three-member board, appointed by the president, to head NCUA. Nationally, there are almost 11,000 credit unions with over 73 million members. The Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the national trade for credit unions. In addition, there are 50 state credit union leagues and leagues for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The credit union movement is growing throughout the world, including third-world countries and Europe where people need assistance with setting up consumer finance systems. There are over 37,000 credit unions worldwide in 87 nations with over 88 million members.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Attitude, Legislation and Litigation towards Students with Disabilities Essay

Understanding of children and adults with learning disabilities has come full circle but has a long way to do to fully reach every individual. In the 4th century the great philosopher Aristotle wrote,† As to the exposure and rearing of children, let there be a law that no deformed child shall live†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hardman, Drew, & Egar, 2011) While this seems brutal, for the times it was quite common. Even modern era societal groups like the Nazis in the 1940s had â€Å"cleansing programs,† were thousands of people with various disabilities were deemed useless and simply put to death like dogs and cats. Today we as a society try to better understand the trials of people with disabilites and help them to succeed in schools. Federal groups like Individuals with disabilities Education Act(IDEA) and the Americans with Disablilites Act(ADA) have pushed our thinking and laws to the future. Although there is a lot more that needs to be done we are moving in the right direction. A Sad Beginning As mentioned above there was not just a prejudice and fear but a man hunt for people who suffered any kind of discernible disability. In ancient Rome and Greece children with disabilities were viewed as signs of weakness and shame. These children were put to death or abandoned, considered a burden on society and humanity. There were ancient societies that did not believe in this process but they were not the majority. The 20th century saw an increase in help for students with disabilities but there was a contradiction in the approach to this help. There was blame placed on the parents for breeding a genetically inferior human and putting the financial burden on the government for their mistake. Fear of these deficiencies spreading lead to a restriction on who could marry and even the sterilization of persons with retardations. In an ease of the sterilization idea people were being put into â€Å"hospitals† to isolate them from the general public by placing them â€Å"with their own kind. † In the 1950s more than a million persons in the US had been committed to mental hospitals and institutions. (Hardman, Drew, & Egar, 2011) The First Groups to Fight In the movement of Civil Rights in the 1950s parents of children with disabilities began to push for rights also. In 1949 the United Cerebral Palsy Organization (UCP) and in 1950 the National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) groups were formed to help get accurate information to the public. These organizations wanted to get equal rights for medical treatment, social services and education for persons with disabilities. It was not until President Kennedy stepped in and became an advocate for these groups that the government began to take these groups serious. He had person investment in these rights with his sister Rosemary suffering from intellectual disabilities. Kennedy said in a speech in 1961,†This neglect must end†¦We must act†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The subheading above would be used if there are several sections (Hardman, Drew, & Egar, 2011) Legal Cases that Pushed reform I n1972 the Wyatt case in Alabama argued that the facilities people with mental retardation were being put into did nothing to prepare them for a place in society and called these places â€Å"Human Warehouses†. These were a series of lawsuits that followed with the moral encouragement of Brown vs. The Board of Education civil rights law. Halderman vs. Pennhurst State School and Hospital, Youngberg vs. Romeo and Homeward Bound vs. Hissom Memorial Center were all influential court cases that brought civil and moral rights of persons with disabilities to the public forum. It was the parental involvement that pushed the government to form groups as advocates for these groups. In 1971 the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizen (PARC) vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania put into light that these children were being denied the right to free and appropriate public education. It was these groups that allow the education for students with any disability to now get the help they need and deserve. Modern Advocacy Groups The main groups that come to mind when Disability advocates are mentioned within the educational system are Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). IDEA is officially known as Public Law 94-142 which lays out the standards and rules for students from ages 3-21 in public schools. This was originally known as Education for All Handicapped Children’s Act but in 1990 was changed to IDEA. There is restriction for what qualifies as a disability and these are in constant adjustment based on what happens in the education system. Without this ability to add or take away ideas it would become stagnant and useless. The ADA lays out what these disabilities are and what they legally and morally have a right to. Challenges facing Educators The main challenge facing educators is a combination for the push of standardized testing, common core standards and federal assistance being based on those scores. The inclusion of students with disabilities in no different than having a bully or an extreme introvert in your class and the amount of help that is given has risen drastically over the last 40 years. The focus in high school is to prepare students to go into the world and succeed as adults and this applies to students with disabilities also. The main fear I have is that in a push to â€Å"include† these students we are not helping them to succeed just following legal options. We have come full circle from the days of Aristotle and the Greeks but have a long way to go to get to a point where we are doing what is best for every student in our delusional system. There is and will probably always be prejudice in society to one group or another but as teachers we need to step forward and praise differences not separate them. Laws like IDEA and the ADA help parents, schools and teachers have a foundation to build on but it will take more that theory to implement the right actions. The success of these groups and laws are yet to be fully recognized but the potential is there.

Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm

Percy Bysshe Shelley once said, â€Å"Power, like a desolating pestilence, pollutes what’er it touches. † He meant that when somebody acquires a reasonable amount of control or power over others, that dominance will eventually corrupt them. The corruption can quickly get to the point of extreme savagery emerging over respectable leadership, causing the people who are being ruled to suffer great hardship. This is exemplified in the novel,  Lord of the Flies,  by William Golding and in the film,  Animal Farm,  directed by John Halas and Joy Batchelor.In Lord of the Flies Jack begins as an innocent young choir boy who later on rises as a leader and turns into a vicious savage when the power goes to his head. Similarly in Animal Farm Napoleon initially promotes equality for all, but soon becomes corrupt and desires full power and control above all of the animals other after he gains authority. Both texts show that people will do almost anything to obtain and keep po wer whether it is fear or violence. In Lord of the flies Ralph is originally elected as the leader of the island, this was due to Ralph summoning the rest of the boys using the conch.The conch represents power, civilisation and order in the novel as it gives whoever is holding it the power of speech. As the boys became less civilised and more savage the conch started to deteriorate so did the boys society. Ralph led the boys with fairness, order and rules. He set jobs for the boys and listed goals he considered important to achieve. The main goal he set was to be rescued he considered a signal fire the best way to get the attention of a passing ship. Jack thought that gathering meat and hunting was the most important goal.Jack became leader of the hunters this was his first step into gaining absolute power. On the first hunt Jack was unable to kill the pig. This shows that at this point Jack still had morals and was not yet corrupt. Eventually Jack was able to kill a pig this shows Jacks loss of innocence and the start of his corrupt behaviour. Jack’s power soon escalates he offers the other boys meat, which is deemed as important by nearly all of the boys except for Ralph and Piggy. Jack soon starts his own tribe all the boys, bar Ralph and Piggy join up.This gives Jack what he had hoped for all along absolute power over the island. Jack and the boys now participates in daily hunts this shows Jacks corruption at its largest extent as after each hunt Jack becomes more and more savage and his power constantly grows along with it. Jack also uses fear of the beast to gain more power. Jack gave a sense of security and safety from the beast so the boys wouldn’t leave his tribe. Jack also controls the hunters who are the strongest and most savage on the island.The other boys are too afraid to leave Jack’s tribe as they fear they will be hunted. In Animal Farm, Snowball is originally elected as leader after their evil human owner is overthrown. S nowball treats all the other animals equally. Snowball and the other animals write 7 rules which must be followed by all animals. The seventh and most important rule is â€Å"All animals are equal†. This is very similar to Golding’s use of the conch in Lord of the Flies as, the society starts to corrupt the pigs change to rules to keep up with their corrupt ways.From the beginning of the film Napoleon one of the pigs wants to become sole leader of the farm, even though this would completely contradict the beliefs which all animals agreed on from the start. Showing that Napoleon is a power hungry character from the start, this resembles Jack and his need for power. Napoleon then uses a pack of trained dogs to kill Snowball after an argument. This is Napoleons first use of violence to gain power, this violence generates fear amongst the other animals giving him an easy rise to power.This resembles Jack and his use of fear to gain power. This is also the beginning of Napo leons rise to complete power. He uses his superior intelligence to convince the other not so intelligent animals that Snowball was a liar and a thief without any proof. While Jack does not possess the intellectual superiority he is still able to convince most of the boys to join his tribe. Once Napoleon and the other pigs move into the old farm house things start to get much worse, as they enjoy the life of luxury the house offers.They even go to the extent of changing one of the 7 rules from â€Å"No animal shall sleep in a bed† to â€Å"No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. This is clear abuse of power as Napoleon changes the agreed upon rules only benefiting himself and the other pigs. This is again similar to the conch as Jack shows complete disregard for the rule of the conch. That rule of course being, if somebody is holding the conch they talk and everybody else listens. Napoleon soon realises if he trades with people outside the farm then he will be able to gai n even more power.This similar to Jack as he realises that he will be able to generate more power if more people join his tribe. The pigs need the chicken’s eggs to meet their half of a deal, the chickens refuse as the whole point of the original rebellion was to make use the animals were not used again. This is similar to the way Piggy and Ralph act as they refuse to join Jack’s tribe because it goes against what they decided on at the beginning of the novel. The pigs then try to take the chickens eggs by force, but the chickens purposely break their own eggs.This is another example of Napoleon abusing his power because he thinks because of his power he can do whatever he wants. This is similar to Jack taking Piggy’s glasses as the glasses provided a window to more power. Napoleon makes up a speech claiming the chickens are traitors and that they must be punished to death. This shows that Napoleons greed, corruption and thirst for power has grown to such an ext ent that he is willing to kill anybody who defies his orders. The animal now fear for their lives when they are told they will be used for trade nobody defies this order.This closely mirrors Jacks way of leadership, however instead of killing them, Jack often orders them to be physically beaten. The pigs again change the rules reducing all seven into one single phrase â€Å"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others†. This rule states what had been evident the whole time that the pigs are superior, or more equal, than any other animal who are all equally below the pigs. This resembles the conch, when the conch was broken it symbolised the death of democracy and thus showing the island was run as a pure dictatorship.Meaning Jack was â€Å"more equal† than his counterparts. The pigs eventually become so powerful that they begin to resemble the humans they replaced, even wearing clothes and walking around on two legs. The pigs have made a full circ le becoming as powerful and corrupt as the humans before them. The use of different film techniques also give the viewer the impression the pigs have power, several times a low shot is used looking up at the pigs. This is a textbook technique used to give power or dominance.In addition there is the use of a high shot looking down at the other animals to show weakness and inferiority. Jack from Golding’s  Lord of the Flies  and Napoleon from Orwell’s  Animal Farm  each demonstrate the tormenting effects that positions of authority can cause, especially when asserted for the wrong reasons. In the case of these two characters, power fell into the wrong hands, and as a result, the subjects suffered under oppressive rule, while the leaders reaped the benefits with no mercy.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Blue Streak Essay

What suggestions would you offer to Art to improve his operation? It seems as though, Art prematurely opened the two locations in neighboring states. Because Art was a constant figure in his other locations from inception, the vision that he had for those locations were taught and able to be practiced to his standards. There are at least three areas in which this operation can be improved. It is clear that art believes that the common denominator in the success of all his other locations is his presence. At the locations in neighboring states his managers feel as though, he frequents the locations too much. There is a clear disconnect in his intent and their out look of the situation. His manager likely believe that he doesn’t trust them to effectively manage, and do the job in which they were hired. They likely seem his as a micromanager. I believe that this problem can be solved with simple communication. He explains the reasoning behind his constant visitations and I’m sure his manager will be able to understand his reasoning and that will relieve some of the tension. Also, his managers do not seem to know what Art is expecting of them as managers. This problem can be handled with training. Art may want to think about closing down his locations for a limited period of time in order to teach his managers what is expected of them. When Art visited these locations, it seems as though he never effectively What management skills must Art master if he is to resolve his problems and continue to grow? Conceptual skills may help him to understand that in order for the company to succeed he needs to plan and organize his goals. Using these skills increases the ability to see the organization as a whole. It would help Mr. Benton to understand the relationships among the different offices and see how the organization fits into its broader environment. These skills are cruel for the top management and will the company will grow and it will also allow Mr. Benton to grow as a person. Mr. Benton can apply the skills mastered in his company by realizing how the out-of-state offices are connected to the other offices. By understanding this he can understand the business as a whole and decide on the objectives and then proceeding to plan and organize management task. Therefore, mastering conceptual skills are recommended to learn since it will help the CEO understand the company as whole making better decisions and resolving the problems at ease.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead Essay

â€Å"Mama Might Be Better off Dead: the Failure of Health Care in Urban America† by Laurie Kaye Abraham, follows a families struggles over the course of three years in a poor Chicago neighborhood. Abraham points out specifically how the health care system in the United States has failed the different members of the poverty stricken Banes family. The main character, Jackie has the responsibility of taking care of her sick and elderly grandmother. Jackie also cares for her three young children with little help from her husband, Robert who also suffers from various illnesses. While, there are some government programs set up to help families like the Banes’, the health care system is certainly lacking. Cora Jackson is an African American woman in her late sixties when the book begins. She suffers from many chronic conditions including high blood pressure and diabetes. Cora had a leg amputated because of complications from her diabetes. Diabetics often have poor circulation in their extremities which hinders wounds from healing properly. Besides being bed-ridden and wheel chair bound, Mrs. Jackson suffers from bed sores and incontinence. She also sufferers from severe depression over losing her leg which is common among many with physical disabilities. Despite, her poor health Cora Jackson remains the matriarch of the family. Mrs. Jackson raised Jackie as a young girl and before becoming ill, had a remarkable relationship with her great-granddaughter Latrice. As time goes on, Mrs. Jackson becomes more ill and Latrice begins to pull away from her great-grandmother. This seems understandable because it must be very difficult for children to understand and deal with the terminally ill. Jackie however, remains warm and caring toward her grandmother. She expresses her frustrations, but few of them are aimed at her grandmother. Most of them are aimed at the doctors and particular government agencies set up to treat and help her grandmother. Obtaining health care services is not an easy task for Cora Jackson. Jackie, the primary caregiver for Mrs. Jackson, experiences struggles on a day to day basis. For example, Mrs. Jackson suffers from incontinence which makes her a candidate for adult diapers. However, Medicare sees adult diapers as more of a convenience item and do not see them as medically necessary.  Medicare also covers a large portion of health visits and treatments but they fail to understand the transportation needs of disadvantaged patients. As a result, Mrs. Jackson is forced to miss many scheduled appointments. She misses out on many treatments that are recommended by her doctors. Consequently, Cora is forced to have her remaining leg removed because of an infection which could have been caught sooner. Jackie resorts to calling an ambulance to transport her grandmother to the hospital. This results in in some problems because the ambulance takes her to the closest hospital which is does not have all of he r medical records. I am puzzled by many of these rules and policies. First off, I do not understand how adult diapers are not deemed medically necessary. Diapers are seemed necessary for infants. Why aren’t they necessary for adults who suffer from incontinence? Also, adult diapers help prevent bed sores which many elderly, bed-ridden patients suffer from. This can prevent future hospitalizations and procedures caused by infection. I also have a problem with Medicaid’s spend down policy. Every month, Mrs. Jackson is required to spend a certain amount on medical needs in order to become eligible for Medicaid. By the time, she meets the requirement, she has to do it all over again. Also, there are some services that the Banes are not aware they are entitled to. For example, Medicare covers home health aides for those sick enough to require visits from a home nurse. Jackie turns down this service because she is mistaken and believes it will cost her 110 dollars a month. No one ever tells her this service is free. There are many changes in the health care delivery system that would have improved the experiences of Mrs. Jackson. First of all, keeping track of a monthly spend down of an elderly, disabled patient is ridiculous. In Mrs. Jackson’s case, she needed Medicaid to cover her transportation needs. Its close to impossible to schedule appointments and procedures if you are not sure how you are going to get there. Other patients use Medicaid for numerous reasons. A better option for Medicaid would be to take an average of a few months expenses and use that to determine eligibility for longer than a month at a time. It is common for patients to spend the same amount on medication each month. They also try to visit doctors on a regular basis. Knowing they are covered by Medicaid for longer than a month, would be a huge relief. The patients could keep their appointments without worrying about transportation costs. Also, medicine could be taken as directed instead of trying to make it last longer in fear of losing coverage the next month. Another area which needs addressing is in the area of medically necessary items. Who determines if adult diapers is necessary or a convenience? For an elderly person who does not want to walk to the wash room after going to the bathroom, I can see how diapers would be convenient. But what about the person with no legs and not adequate enough help to lift them out of bed? I would definitely say adult diapers is medically necessary for this person. As a social worker in health care, I would definitely try to be of assistance to Mrs. Jackson. First of all, I would encourage Jackie to take advantage of the services set up to help her and her family. Then I would make sure she was aware of all they were entitled to. It is very common for poor people not to understand government policies, particularly Medicare and Medicaid. I feel there should be more services to explain and help people understand certain policies. Regular visits from a home health aide could have helped both Jackie and Mrs. Jackson immensely. I would talk to her about the stress of taking care of three children, a sick husband and an elderly, disabled grandmother. Paying attention to Jackie’s needs, as she is the primary caregiver, may give her a more clear mind to make decisions for her grandmother. I would also discuss with Jackie all of her options. Jackie could have put her grandmother into a nursing home but neglected to do so until the very end of her illness. I would weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of Mrs. Jackson living in a home. Jackie was scared that by putting her grandmother into a home, she would feel unloved and neglected. I would explain to Jackie, that the care she would receive would be twenty-four hours a day. This would mean, no more missed doctors appointments, no more missed medication and all of her medical records would be in one place. I feel their would be an increase in her quality of life. Jackie states â€Å"Mama, might be better off Dead†. Why not try putting mama in a nursing home first? In conclusion, â€Å"Mama Might Be Better off Dead: the Failure of Health Care in Urban America† really shows many areas of human suffering. In a country based on freedom and equality for all, the area of health care could not be further from equal in America. Every day we see talks of health care reform in the news. Political candidates form plans in their campaigns. However, this book puts a real face on the failure of health care in America. I hope more people become aware of how badly change is needed and they choose to become actively involved in the reform of the system.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Nursing Care and Crimes in Newark, New Jersey Research Paper

Nursing Care and Crimes in Newark, New Jersey - Research Paper Example Crimes affect the overall productivity of the area. People will not visit the place and economic activities will downturn. Also the health assistance and care are very much affected in that area. Ambulance, first aid kits and many medical staffs may be needed in case any crimes arise as they may serve as life support to the victims in case they are injured. For the paper, crimes will be studied and their effects upon the lives of people in the place and the demands for the health and nursing assistance will be analyzed. SDS or Symptom Distress Scale will be in focus to check out the crime effects upon the people in Newark, New Jersey. New Jersey is an American State located at the Atlantic portion of the world. It is surrounded by places like Atlantic Ocean, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware (Fredeen, 2001, p. 7). In 2009 to 2010, a study revealed that New Jersey was the part of the top three wealthy States in America based upon the income per family. Also among the American States , it was known to get the 11th place in terms of population among American States (United States Census Bureau, 2010). New Jersey also became very important in American history as it provided the place for battles in the American Revolutionary War. It also serves as the home of American Indians since the time before the Europeans set foot on the lands of New Jersey (Fredeen, 2001, p. 8). ... Newark is the biggest city in New Jersey consisting of more than 270000 people (Fredeen, 2001, p. 8). It also caters to various schools famous in USA like Rutgers University and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Being the center in New Jersey, it is also the place for ships, planes and trains from cargo to passenger types. Its location is on the Western part of Manhattan and also near to Atlantic Ocean that allowed the city to have its own port. That port serves as the hub for shipments going to New York. The city also has Newark Liberty International Airport which is a very popular local airport (Westergaard, 2006). The races in Newark are varying that also come with the diverse cultures (Fredeen, 2001, p. 7). Its communities are different from one another having busy streets and silent places. As Newark serves as a city and busy region of New Jersey, crimes happen in higher rate than other locations. It was even labeled as one of the cities in USA with major threa ts and crimes (Roberts and Yeager, 2004, p. 837). Despite of that label, a major improvement occurred when the cases of murder went down recent years. Surveys were then conducted by different groups and they found Newark to be consistently part of the upper 25 towns and cities with many crimes around United States (Sperling and Sander, 2007, p. 329). Probably, Newark experiences its upward turn, but it still faces other problems like healthcare. In analyzing the healthcare support needed, a model called SDS or Symptom Distress Scale is used. It is also used to know the condition of the patients and how urgently the medical attention is needed (Bowling, 2001, p. 35). It then focuses on the state of mind or the psyche of the person being measured by the scale. It came

Monday, August 12, 2019

The animal weapons arms race Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The animal weapons arms race - Essay Example The show is called science frantic, and the person hosting the show was Jordan Koski. The guest on the show is Douglas Emlen, who is the author of a book named animal weapons – the evolution battle. Douglas is also a professor of biology and lectures at the University of Montenor. I was amazed to realize that it was possible to conduct researches on the extremeness of animal weapons. Douglas claimed that the research leading to writing his book started with watching clips of animal fights. The professor had keen interest in small animals such as dung battles. He claimed that the weapons carried by small animal were very dangerous considering their body sizes (Science-Friday retrieved from It was interesting to realize that most fights among small animals were all because they needed access to females. Douglas noted that some animals had deadly weapons since they cannot swim fly or run fast to catch their prey. He gives the example of Smilodon, which has 7 inch canine teeth but cannot run after its prey. I was amazed to realize that some animals had to lose certain minerals in their body in order to make their weapons more deadly. He also noted that some species with fierce weapons had stunted testes and small genital organs. Some animals use their fierce weapons to scare away other animals of the same species. It overwhelmed me know that animals with the most vicious weapons fought less and were rarely involved in battles. He discussed an exceptional case where female animals are fiercer than their male counterparts. He said that Jacana females have bigger weapons that than Jacana males since the males take care of the youngness. The females have to fight for access to males, and hence they develop fierce fighting weapons (Science-Friday retrieved from

Sunday, August 11, 2019

School counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

School counseling - Essay Example I know that many students face troubles in life because they never had anyone to really care for them. I believe I can become a counselor in the school system and make a positive difference in the lives of many such students. My pursuit of the Master of School Counseling program has been made easy and meaningful by my previous education and experience in the related areas. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Alexandria in Egypt University. My experience of working with my students in the class has significantly helped me apply my theoretical knowledge in psychology in pragmatic terms, in a meaningful way. I have also realized from my experience as a teacher that society transits its cultural heritage to children and young adults. I have witnessed positively how people learn and behave, and learn as individuals. They learn quite as lot from their communities. With a Masters degree in School Counseling I believe that I will become even more innovative and skillful at developing and implementing programs to help others overcome problems. I will seriously consider learning about theories of psychology and how people learn from birth to adulthood. I hope to dedicate my time in the u niversity to understand theory development, which is an important goal of the course. I will try to promote thinking and problem solving in social situation and prepare to handle new concepts of reflective instruction. I understand there will be significant learning about assessment and how to identify individuals, and to move across a spectrum from statistical analysis to classroom narrative and social life, from evaluating the effectiveness of science curriculum to developing integrated prevention and treatment activities that reduce the risk of outcomes and improve social, emotional and academic functioning. I enjoy helping those students I need and I am very

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A review of an existing IR system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

A review of an existing IR system - Essay Example What is more, the researcher acknowledges that each of the different information retrieval systems available have its own strengths and weaknesses, which make their use in certain context inappropriate as against other forms of use. With this in mind, the report will seek to critically describe, by coming out with a detailed descriptive account of a selected information retrieval system, which will become a basis for users of the report to make decisions on the information retrieval system. The description shall be done in accordance with how the system allows for specific information retrieval tasks to be performed. Thereafter, findings from the study shall be outlined, which shall mainly dwell on the strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement for the selected information retrieval system. Finally, there is a realization that for every information retrieval to take place there must be a corresponding information source, which leads to the next topic of this discussion. Introduct ion to Information Retrieval and selected IR system The internet continues to dominate as an important tool in the search, retrieval and storage of information. Indeed, with the coming of the internet, there is now a centralized whole-point where almost every kind of information and data can be found (Ando and Tong, 2005a). This has been made possible because of the easily accessible nature of the internet where everyone can stay and live in the comfort of his home and input pieces of information online. Commonly, the same form of information exists online and from several sources that, when a person wants to make use of a particular line of information, the options available to choose from are more than required. Apart from the numerous natures of available options, there is also an issue with the differences with information source quality, where some sources of information can be proven to be more reliable, authentic and valid than others (van Rijsbergen, 2009). Han and George (2 000) has explained information retrieval as a conscious activity that is aimed at obtaining information resources that are highly relevant to a person’s information need from available information sources. This definition indeed gives a very broad overview of the concept of information retrieval and explains it even further. In the first place, it would be noted that information retrieval does not take place as an accidental process but as an intential process, and thus the use of the word, ‘conscious’. In effect, people who perform information retrieval are people who sit before their computers and other internet media with the mind of finding something useful for further processing. Secondly, the definitions establish that information retrieval must lead to the obtaining information that is highly relevant to a searcher’s quest. In other words, information retrieval would always lead to a pool of options for the person undertaking the search. The person performing the search thus has a role to play at that point when he is presented with the pool of options and this role is to ensure that he becomes part of the search by selecting only what is most relevant to the search. Description of selected IR system This section of the report therefore deals with a description of how PubMed has developed functionalities to help support its users with their search. This is made up

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

Journal - Essay Example s not just limited to developed countries who have traditionally been more favorable towards women in careers; typically more male-centric areas of the world like India and China are also showing massive improvements in the way that women are treated in the workplace and their access to jobs and education. However, it must be noted that there are still areas for improvement, despite the fact that the arena has changed so much for the better. Women still do not make as much as men overall (men make $23.4 trillion compared to a female $10.5 trillion) which means that their power and access to some things may be limited. However, it is noted by Foroohar et al (2009) that this may be because it will take a while for the elder women who make less money to retire and allow younger women with higher standards of education and economic prospects to take their place. This is again, proof that women are in a much stronger economic position than they have been previously and that this effect will continue to be seen across the globe. There is also evidence that economic conditions, whilst not necessarily excellent for women in the developing world, will continue to improve as households get more access to technology (like television) and see other countries attitudes towards female economic

Friday, August 9, 2019

Case study in Biomedical Engineering Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Biomedical Engineering Ethics - Case Study Example In the case study there is clear evidence that in that development of the TEHVs Pedia Valve as a start-up company is responding to biomedical engineering obligations. They are employing their research knowledge, skills and capabilities towards enhancement of public welfare in terms of health and safety. Considering the limitations of the current equipment in use such as bioprosthetic valves and Cadaver homograft valves such need for repeated future surgeries as well as inherent risks, the company is striving to increase safety for the patients. There are also the obligations in terms of biomedical engineering and training. They are required to comply with available guidelines in terms legal, governmental, research and ethical responsibilities. There is need to respect rights of subjects, colleagues the science community and entire public. In making the choice between the two options the company has also considered the question of training especially for the doctors and other medical personnel. To this end I think the company has complied significantly and obtained the necessary FDA approvals. There are various ethical and professional considerations applicable to the case study of Pedia Valves which the company has not ignored. A major ethical issue in the case study as has always been when it comes to using modern technology to give life to patients is the question of faith. While Pedia Valve and other likeminded companies undertake research and testing in order to innovatively enhance life, there always voices from the religious community especially who think it is the work of God to give life. There are also the ethical issues of using animals and humans as subjects for researching and testing the technology. The argument from opponents has always been that the rights of subjects are violated. In making of the decision of whether to enter the market with the first or second option, there are important issues of